Προσδιορισμός της ηλικίας των σφραγίδων ψαριων: balık pulunda yaş belirleme::Determination of the age of fish flakes:
Balık pulunda yaşını belirleme:Balık pullarındaki halkalar yaşı belirliyor.Aynı zamanda siyah ve koyu halkalar kışın sert geçtiğini anlatıyor.Yiyecek bulup bulamadığını anlamamıza yarıyor.Geçirdiği hastalıkları da belirlememizi sağlıyor. Προσδιορισμός της ηλικίας των σφραγίδων ψαριων: Προσδιορίζεται η ηλικία των δακτυλίων στις νιφάδες ψαριών.Ταυτόχρονα, τα μαύρα και τα σκοτεινά δαχτυλίδια μας λένε ότι ήταν δύσκολο το χειμώνα.Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω αν μπορείτε να βρείτε φαγητό.Μας επιτρέπει επίσης να εντοπίζουμε τις ασθένειες που βιώνει. Determination of the age of fish flakes:The age of the rings in the fish flakes is determined.At the same time, the black and dark rings are telling us that it was hard in the winter.I can not figure out if you can find food.It also allows us to identify the diseases it is experiencing.